Whether I Like it or Not
Yankin me out of this nice warm cot
Sittin me down on this cold cold pot
Makin me pee whether I want to or not
(told to me by my mother)
DD knows this little poem by heart. We've been working on potty training since August. She's been very good with #1, having very few accidents. Apparently she was ready to use the potty much earlier than we realized. With #2, however, she has been more difficult. She would run and hide when it was time to do her business then pop out of hiding and tell us that the deed was done and she needed clean underwear. She did this at her day school as well. We were all more than aggravated with this behavior. So we all began watching her like a hawk upon which she began to hold it - for days and days. We promised gifts to good little girls (hence now when she does her business on the pot she says, "Yeah, I get a pony (my little pony) - yeah, she still says it every time, although we've stopped giving pony gifts for every toilet offering).
Well, here we are now in December and she's adjusting with the #2 business. She only poops at home now but she does it in the potty - TG. But now she's figured out how to hold #1 too so she only goes maybe twice a day at best. "I promise not to get my pony underwear dirty Mommy", she says and I have to let her go after 10 minutes of sitting there (I have other things to do...).
Finally, to the point of this post...the other night it was time for a potty break before bed. She was having a melt-down, crying and kicking her way to the bathroom, promising not to make a mess - "yes, dear, I know you won't make a mess but we must try to go to the potty before bed - it is part of our bedtime ritual". So she's sitting on the pot, mad as a hornet, grumbling. Z man and I are busy getting AB ready for bed and doing other things but we are listening for her to do her thing. All of a sudden, we hear the trickle, trickle, trickle and her saying, "GRRRR, no, no, NO! I didn't want it to come out!" Ah yes, she did have to go. Z man and I are near tears trying not to laugh. We make no comments, no congratulations to DD (for that will only fan the flame). Z man waits a few more minutes to let her have a breather and get herself under control before going to the bathroom to wipe things up.
Sigh, she is soo my daughter - this does not bode well for adolescence.
Sittin me down on this cold cold pot
Makin me pee whether I want to or not
(told to me by my mother)
DD knows this little poem by heart. We've been working on potty training since August. She's been very good with #1, having very few accidents. Apparently she was ready to use the potty much earlier than we realized. With #2, however, she has been more difficult. She would run and hide when it was time to do her business then pop out of hiding and tell us that the deed was done and she needed clean underwear. She did this at her day school as well. We were all more than aggravated with this behavior. So we all began watching her like a hawk upon which she began to hold it - for days and days. We promised gifts to good little girls (hence now when she does her business on the pot she says, "Yeah, I get a pony (my little pony) - yeah, she still says it every time, although we've stopped giving pony gifts for every toilet offering).
Well, here we are now in December and she's adjusting with the #2 business. She only poops at home now but she does it in the potty - TG. But now she's figured out how to hold #1 too so she only goes maybe twice a day at best. "I promise not to get my pony underwear dirty Mommy", she says and I have to let her go after 10 minutes of sitting there (I have other things to do...).
Finally, to the point of this post...the other night it was time for a potty break before bed. She was having a melt-down, crying and kicking her way to the bathroom, promising not to make a mess - "yes, dear, I know you won't make a mess but we must try to go to the potty before bed - it is part of our bedtime ritual". So she's sitting on the pot, mad as a hornet, grumbling. Z man and I are busy getting AB ready for bed and doing other things but we are listening for her to do her thing. All of a sudden, we hear the trickle, trickle, trickle and her saying, "GRRRR, no, no, NO! I didn't want it to come out!" Ah yes, she did have to go. Z man and I are near tears trying not to laugh. We make no comments, no congratulations to DD (for that will only fan the flame). Z man waits a few more minutes to let her have a breather and get herself under control before going to the bathroom to wipe things up.
Sigh, she is soo my daughter - this does not bode well for adolescence.
I don't know how you guys are able to hold in the laughter. And she does seem to be turning into you :) That's not a bad thing at all, ya know, but I can't wait to see how Z man deals with the hair colors hehe
Overread, at 12/06/2005 11:47 AM
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