blah, blah, blah

Thursday, August 10, 2006

Deer Meat?

Yesterday's conversation while driving home:

BB: So, DD, I heard that you got to see a spotted kitty cat today [it's animal week as school and they had someone bring several kinds of animals for the children to see].

DD: Yeah! It jumped up. The guy was holding a piece of meat and the kitty jumped for it. It was a jaguar.

BB: Oh? What kind of meat did the kitty eat?

DD: I duno...

BB: Well, was it cow meat?

DD: No.

BB: Was it light colored meat? Do you think it was chicken meat?

DD: No, it was nothing.

BB: Was it brown looking meat? Maybe it was deer meat.

DD: [very sarcastically] NO MOM - It had no eyes and no head, so it was not DEER meat. It was nothing.

- At this point I just snickered and kept my mouth shut...of COURSE it wasn't deer meat...


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