blah, blah, blah

Saturday, December 17, 2005

Movie Review -The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe

Well, Z man and I went to see movie last night, alone - woo hoo. We saw the The Chronicles of Narnia. It was a good movie. We both felt the casting was good and that the cg was only okay most of the time. I would recommned it.

It was funny how most of it was very good but there were still points that needed polish. I guess that always happens. Z man also pointed out how much of the book was missing - another tragedy that happens to most books that get turned into movies. I had forgotten much of the book so I enjoyed the story as presented.

I didn't think the witch was very evil. She seemed absent somehow, apathetic almost. Can you be apathetically evil?

oops, kiddies are waking... must go, will post more later.


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