What's Up
1. My computer at home is on the fritz - therefore I am posting from - GASP! - work
2. AB is ready to crawl, still - she's finally getting her knees under her yet she doesn't move anywhere - just rocks back and forth. I took her to the Dr. on Friday for her 9 mo. exam. She is in the 10-20 percentile for weight, the 25-50 percentile for height and in the 75 percentile for her head circumfrence - look at the size of that HEID! (ref to So I Married An Axe Murderer - go Mike Meyers)
3. RaRa is getting worse. Z guy and I are discussing whether or not it is time to put her down. Neither of us want to face that reality or have that kind of power over another individual creature. It is making us cranky.
4. DD is her happy boisterous self. Yesterday she helped me in the yard. We picked worms out of the mud and she made them a new dirt home in an old plastic container. Before we went inside for naptime, we let the worms go. She wasn't so thrilled about this but I explained to her that they needed the plants as well as the dirt. That did not change her mind. She'd have much preferred it if they would have been happy in the box she made.
2. AB is ready to crawl, still - she's finally getting her knees under her yet she doesn't move anywhere - just rocks back and forth. I took her to the Dr. on Friday for her 9 mo. exam. She is in the 10-20 percentile for weight, the 25-50 percentile for height and in the 75 percentile for her head circumfrence - look at the size of that HEID! (ref to So I Married An Axe Murderer - go Mike Meyers)
3. RaRa is getting worse. Z guy and I are discussing whether or not it is time to put her down. Neither of us want to face that reality or have that kind of power over another individual creature. It is making us cranky.
4. DD is her happy boisterous self. Yesterday she helped me in the yard. We picked worms out of the mud and she made them a new dirt home in an old plastic container. Before we went inside for naptime, we let the worms go. She wasn't so thrilled about this but I explained to her that they needed the plants as well as the dirt. That did not change her mind. She'd have much preferred it if they would have been happy in the box she made.
Wow. That's a big head :)
I know the RaRa decision is going to be difficult. Do DD or AB understand what's going on?
DD's big on worms and snails, isn't she? hehe
Overread, at 1/23/2006 7:27 PM
the kids do not understand that their poochie won't be here much longer
mendi-la, at 1/23/2006 10:25 PM
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