blah, blah, blah

Thursday, August 10, 2006

Deer Meat?

Yesterday's conversation while driving home:

BB: So, DD, I heard that you got to see a spotted kitty cat today [it's animal week as school and they had someone bring several kinds of animals for the children to see].

DD: Yeah! It jumped up. The guy was holding a piece of meat and the kitty jumped for it. It was a jaguar.

BB: Oh? What kind of meat did the kitty eat?

DD: I duno...

BB: Well, was it cow meat?

DD: No.

BB: Was it light colored meat? Do you think it was chicken meat?

DD: No, it was nothing.

BB: Was it brown looking meat? Maybe it was deer meat.

DD: [very sarcastically] NO MOM - It had no eyes and no head, so it was not DEER meat. It was nothing.

- At this point I just snickered and kept my mouth shut...of COURSE it wasn't deer meat...

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Lil' Buddy

Look who I found when I got home yesterday. He is about 2" long and very fast. DD was just beside herself with excitement. I found him in the kitchen, on the floor. I was amazed that 1) I didn't squish him outright since he blended in so well and 2) that our Bill kitty hadn't pounced on him. We let him go outside in the yard by the compost heap where there are lots of fruit flys.